“Who Moved the Stone?” Presentation in Chilton, WI

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Dr. Anthony Horvath will be presenting on the topics of “Who Moved the Stone” (A ‘forensic’ examination of Jesus’ resurrection) and “Tracking the Culture of Death” (connecting abortion, euthanasia, etc, to a common ideology) at St. Martin Lutheran Church, at 717 Memorial Drive in Chilton, WI. On Saturday, March 18th, 2017.

9:00 AM to 10:20 AM — ?Who Moved the Stone?
10:20 AM to 10:40 AM — Coffee Break
10:40 AM to Noon — ?Tracking the Culture of Death?

For more information, call or email St. Martin Lutheran Church:
920-849-4421 smlcpastor@frontier.com

Download the flyer: Who Moved the Stone – Flyer-ACM