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The Fault Line Series:? Exploring the Ideological Divide in the War on Humans and the Culture of Death
This Seminar: “First Principles”
Part One: Life
Part Two: Family
ACM hosts regular conversations and seminars on deep religious, philosophical, and political issues. Each session lasts about an hour, with plenty of time for discussion. There is no cost for these events.
At 6 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20th, ACM will host a lecture/discussion titled ?First Principles: Life.? Why some people vehemently support abortion and euthanasia while others vehemently oppose it.
At 6 p.m. on Wednesday, February 17th, the next in the series will be ?First Principles: Family.? Explored will be the underlying reasons why secularism always leads to the destruction of the institution of the Family over time, and why the defense of the Family must be paramount for the concerned Christian.
Join and share the Facebook event.
Date/Time: Part One: Jan. 20 6-8pm; Part Two: Feb. 17 6-8pm
Location:?ACM?s offices at 105 s. Main St., Greenwood WI.
Registration Information: Email Dr. Anthony Horvath at? or call 202-697-4623 to confirm your attendance.